Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Continuous Integration Tools and their Basics

When you work for a product or a project where many people are working with you . it requires a mechanism to sync with everyone. 
They can do their stuff and unfortunately and unknowingly they can fail whole build or the whole system itself.

Continuous Integration is a way to come out from this dilemma and a solution for all these problems.

What do you actually require for Continuous Integration.

  • Source control repository  : To store code in a common location and allow multiple developers to share a code base
           Few Tools are  - CVS, Subversion, VSS, Git 

  • Unit testing framework : To run unit tests which are written as part of the code development process and can flag unintentional changes to code 
            Few tools are  - NUnit, JUnit , MSTest , NSpec

  • Automated build tool :  To allow building from the command line and to perform related tasks Few tools are - Ant, NAnt, MSBuild, Rake Build scripts

  • Continuous Integration tool which monitors for code changes and triggers builds.
           Few tools are - CruiseControl, Draco, Jenkins CI (Hudson labs)

In my next blog I shall write more about each of these tools.